Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Onwards and Upwards

I've always been terrible at letting go, especially in relationships. I've finally come to a point where, rather than strangling the relationship and letting things end in animosity, I am going to truly let go. It doesn't matter how much you love someone and how much you both want to be friends, sometimes real space is needed to move forward. I'm lucky to have met my most recent ex. He is a truly amazing guy. It hurts terribly that things didn't work out but nothing I do will change that. Things that are meant to be will be and if they don't turn out they way I want then, I just have to accept it and move forward.

I'm still looking at colleges. Concordia University in Montreal is on my list but is looking less reasonable than other, less attractive options. The limiting factors of having a special needs child when considering a move has compounded the stress and the difficulty. I have, however, come up with a strategy. I have a list of factors that I want to take into account, each school gets awarded points (out of 10) in each category. Removing the emotional side of the decision is the only way I can assure myself that I am making the right decision. My spur of the moment decision would be Montreal. I would go in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, as a parent, I cannot simply pick up and move to another country, doubly so with a special needs child.

Here is my list of deciding factors:

Tuition - Obvious. Hopefully under 20,000 a year.
Cost of Living (after tuition) - Under 30,000 a year preferably
Financial Aid - Amount awarded, especially important since grants are not available in Canada
Cultural Experience - Who wants to go someplace boring?
Program Interest - A no-duh.
Support System - I can't move if I don't know anyone there in case there is an emergency with my son.
Benefits for my son "The Professor" - Types of Schools, Learning opportunities, etc.
Bullshit Involved - Visa's, transfers, acceptance rate, etc.
Post College Benefit - How much will this help my career?
Murdered by Parents - How much arguing with there be with my parents? Montreal loses big points here.
Misc  - Self explanatory.

Once I am closer to making a decision and further away from the unstable emotional state that I am currently in, I will post my colleges and the points they were awarded. I shouldn't really be allowed to make lists. I always seem to make them an excuse to make silly comments (see "Murdered by Parents" on deciding factors list).

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