Friday, March 15, 2013

Not a Mommy Blog

OK, so the title is a lie, this post is a mommy blog but I swear, I'll keep it to a minimum elsewhere. Unless, Professor does something spectacularly cute, or smart or generally awesome (which is likely because he is cute, smart and generally awesome). Anyway, to the point. I'm no Susie Homemaker (Although I did once play a character named Suzie, a gold digging, gambling addict with a drinking problem and a criminal record, in an RPG called Fiasco) but I do some cool stuff with Professor on occasion.

A problem I've encountered with Professor is that commercial bubble liquid is incredibly weak and my hyper child has difficulty delicately blowing bubbles so I went back to something I learned in middle school science class. SUPER BUBBLES! In my science class we created bubbles you could stand inside, bubbles you could hold, bubbles strong enough to make it out of the wand of a six year old with a breath like a hurricane.
Here is how:


  • 4 tablespoons Dawn dish soap
  • 2 tablespoons Glycerin (or White Karo Syrup) - I prefer Glycerin
  • 1 cup Water
Simply mix the ingredients together gently. Letting it sit for a while may help a bit as well. 

Professor was actually able to blow bubbles rather than showering the ground in soap and saliva. He enjoyed it so much that he actually brought them into the living room the next morning and was blowing bubbles in his pajamas. 

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