Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Twilight Zone of Parenting

Some days I honestly feel like I'm living in some sort of bizarre twilight zone story when it comes to Professor. Sometimes I think I would be at a loss of how to interact with a typical kid. Before bed this evening Professor and I discussed the concept of multiverses. I used the example of Shrodinger's cat to explain the moment when there would be an obvious split under the multiverse theory (i.e. the moment of observation). Not only was this something Professor was familiar with but it helped him better understand the concept. Shrodinger's cat and time-space theories are the bread and butter of my daily life. I know that Professor isn't the first or only bright kid but it is hard to argue that he isn't something special. I'll admit that I revel in the strangeness of it all, that is when I'm not having a panic attack over it.

It is a wonderful and strange thing to talk with a child genius especially on a daily basis. It certainly skews my view of the world. I see science everywhere. I'm constantly learning new things and I'm always teaching. Today is was multiverse theory and constellations. Yesterday it was multiplication. Tomorrow it will be chemistry.

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