Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Murphy's Pre-Thanksgiving Visit to the Wilson Household

So far this morning I have:

Turned off my alarm in my sleep causing me to oversleep by half an hour.

Missed shampoo in my hair and had to turn the shower back on.

Tripped over my 80lb dog at least 20 times because she WON'T STOP FOLLOWING ME!

Professor couldn't find his shoes (mostly because he was staring at the TV instead of actually looking).

Professor's seat belt managed to do that thing where it was both locked and twisted too much to feed it back in.

He then freaked out about it.

The house smells bad.

I took the trash out (cause of the aforementioned stinkyness) and managed to get the bag stuck on the dog gate, tearing it and getting cat litter in the living room.

I took the trash can lid off and it landed in a huge puddle.

I have only been awake for 75 minutes! I have resorted to closing the dog out of my room and hoping Murphy forgets I'm here. What a terrible houseguest.

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